Recommended image sizes and image file formats for Apple Wallet passes

All images in Apple Wallet passes should be in the PNG format (Portable Network Graphics, file extension .png). To support Apple's high-resolution retina displays, Apple also recommends including all images in multiple sizes (@2x and @3x).

To support all screen sizes and resolutions, provide the original, @2x, and @3x versions of your art.

Without Passmeister, it's getting complicated from here - the most important image types for Apple Wallet passes are:

Apple Wallet logo

The logo is the image shown in the upper left corner of the Apple Wallet pass. It is recommended as a square or not too wide landscape format image. The maximum image sizes are:

logo.png: 160 x 50 pixels
logo@2x.png: 320 x 100 pixels
logo@3x.png: 480 x 150 pixels

Despite the maximum size of 160x50 pixels, Apple recommends a narrower image for optimal display:

The allotted space is 160 x 50 points; in most cases it should be narrower.

Apple Wallet image

The large landscape image on the Apple Wallet pass is called "strip image" by Apple. It is recommended as a wide image with a 3:1 aspect ratio. The maximum image sizes for current iPhones are:

strip.png: 375 x 123 pixels (event tickets: 375 x 98 pixels, gift cards/coupons: 375 x 144 pixels)
strip@2x.png: 750 x 246 pixels (event tickets: 750 x 196 pixels, gift cards/coupons: 750 x 288 pixels)
strip@3x.png: 1125 x 369 pixels (event tickets: 1125 x 294 pixels, gift cards/coupons: 750 x 432 pixels)

On older iPhones, the image sizes are as follows:

strip.png: 320 x 123 pixels (event tickets: 375 x 84 pixels, other pass styles with a square barcode on devices with 3.5 inch screens: 375 x 110 pixels)
strip@2x.png: 640 x 246 pixels (event tickets: 750 x 168 pixels, other pass styles with a square barcode on devices with 3.5 inch screens: 750 x 220 pixels)
strip@3x.png: 960 x 369 pixels (event tickets: 1125 x 252 pixels, other pass styles with a square barcode on devices with 3.5 inch screens: 750 x 330 pixels)

The exact rendering can depend on the specific model of the iPhone (or Apple Watch) and the installed software version. Apple therefore advises against trying to achieve a precise graphic effect through pixel-perfect positioning.

Future-proof your pass design by avoiding layout tricks, such as padding images with whitespace. While these techniques may let you fine-tune the pass’s appearance, they rely on implementation details that may change in future releases.

That is why only designs that also work with slight variations should be used. In practice, this often translates to: Do not use images that contain text or barcodes.

Apple Wallet icon

The icon is for example shown on the lock screen and for notifications. The image sizes recommended by Apple are:

icon.png: 29 x 29 pixels
icon@2x.png: 58 x 58 pixels
icon@3x.png: 87 x 87 pixels

With Passmeister

With Passmeister, everything is easier: Passmeister automatically generates all the required image files, simply upload a logo and an image in any size and format. With the API, you can also use different images for each pass.

You achieve the best cross-platform results for Apple Wallet and Google Wallet using an image with at least 1125 x 369 pixels and a logo with at least 660 x 660 pixels (see also: image sizes for Google Wallet passes).

updated on: 21 January 2024

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