All images in Google Wallet passes should be in the PNG format (Portable Network Graphics, file extension .png). The most important image types for Google Wallet passes are:
This image is displayed in a circular frame at the top left of the Google Wallet pass. A square image works best, the recommended image size is:
660 x 660
This icon is also used on the lock screen and for notifications.
Newer versions of Google Wallet support not just square icons but also landscape-style logos. Google Wallet refers to this as the "wide logo." A wide image with a 16:5 aspect ratio works best, the recommended image size is:
1280 x 400
The logo appears instead of the icon at the top left of the Google Wallet Pass, without the circular frame.
The large landscape image on the Google Wallet pass is called "hero image" by Google. It is recommended as a wide image with a 3:1 aspect ratio. The maximum image size is:
1032 x 336
The exact rendering can depend on the specific model of the mobile phone (or smartwatch) and the installed software version.
That is why only designs that also work with slight variations should be used. In practice, this often translates to: Do not use images that contain text or barcodes.
With Passmeister, everything is easier: Passmeister automatically generates all the required image files, simply upload a logo and an image in any size and format. With the API, you can also use different images for each pass.
You achieve the best cross-platform results for Apple Wallet and Google Wallet using a logo with at least 660 x 660 pixels and an image with at least 1125 x 369 pixels (see also: image sizes for Apple Wallet passes).
updated on: 21 January 2024