How to configure a Dot Origin VTAP reader for an Google Wallet NFC pass

The Dot Origin VTAP 100 is a compact and affordable NFC reader that is ideal to use with NFC passes in Google Wallet.


To set up the Dot Origin VTAP 100, you need your private Google Wallet NFC key, your Google Wallet NFC key ID and your Google Wallet collector id (see: How to create Google Wallet passes with NFC support).

No additional software is required: The Dot Origin VTAP 100 simply acts as a USB drive, onto which you copy the configuration files (works with Windows, Mac, and Linux).


Without Passmeister, it's getting complicated from here: Export your private Google Wallet NFC key in PEM format to a file named private1.pem and create the following text file named config.txt.


; simply copy this config.txt and the .pem files to the VTAP100 and reboot
; use private2.pem as your Google Smart Tap NFC key

; Google Smart Tap collector ID and NFC key for the pass

; keyboard emulation mode

Copy both files to your VTAP USB drive. Your Dot Origin VTAP 100 is now configured for your Google Wallet pass.

With Passmeister

With Passmeister, everything is easier: Simply download the ready-to-use configuration files private1.pem and config.txt under "Pass Settings / NFC". Copy both files to your VTAP USB drive.

Your Dot Origin VTAP 100 is now configured!

updated on: 22 September 2023

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